The datapoints listed in the Characteristics folder can be inserted into the media plan table for the purposes of documenting and editing the media parameters of individual booking items.
If you drop your chosen characteristic onto the table head, it is inserted into the plan overview in front of the first plan. Media presets made here are applied to the ranking.
In the media plan, circulation is selected using the drop-down menu:
Selecting circulation type and quarter in the media plan
The Layout menu item on the toolbar is used to specify the characteristics for displaying the results.
Loss in Plan 1: exclusive contribution of a medium to the overall plan
The loss characteristics specify, per medium, the reduction to the overall plan resulting from the removal of a medium from the plan. This is the exclusive contribution made by the medium to the overall plan.
The total of individual figures for net reach does not equate to the reach of the overall plan, since duplicate audience figures are considered. The calculation is always applied to the 1st plan in the plan view.
Loss in Plan 1
The exclusive contribution of the magazine "Spiegel" to the net reach of the plan is a net reach of 16.5%.
The difference of 256.8% net reach achieved when booking "Spiegel" to the 16.5% loss figure in the plan results from the fact that "Spiegel" readers also read one of the two other media (duplicate audience).