Combined target groups

Combined target groups are presented as nested target group boxes.


Target group: "Men aged 40 and over"


Each target group box is assigned a link logic that specifies the operator that has been used to link the entries listed in the box.







"Men" AND also "Aged 30-39"
AND always limits selections,
i.e. the target group size is SMALLER or the same as the single target groups.


People aged 14-20 OR (i.e. also) people aged 20-29
OR always expands a selection,
i.e. the linked target group is LARGER than one of the partial target groups.

X from Y

Target group that matches the specified number of attributes.



The potential target group includes all respondents for whom two or more of the selected attributes apply (at least 3 of 12 appliances)

You can use this operator to specific core target groups.


Persons who either drink ONLY red wine or drink ONLY white wine.
This gives you a target group that is characterised by exclusive attributes.



Creating combined target groups

On the Codesheet, select your chosen single target groups and use the mouse to drag these over to the workspace. Both single entries and complete attributes can be drag-and-dropped to the workspace. The target group is displayed as a nested box.

The names of all the target groups and the linking operators are copied and displayed in the header row of the combined target group.

If the Group entries option is selected on the Layout (as is the default), the following applies:

A single attribute's codepoints are linked using "OR"

Codepoints that belong to different attributes/questions are linked using AND



Automatic linking within an attribute using OR



Automatic linking within an attribute using OR, between two different attributes with AND


The target group potential and target group label are updated with each change made to the target group.

If you right-click with the mouse, a window opens for editing the text.

Other target groups from the Codesheet can be attached to existing target groups at any time via drag-and-drop. Alternatively, pre-existing entries in the box can be deleted from the same right-click menu.


Combining multiple target group boxes

Complex target groups can be created by combining multiple target group boxes.


Step 1

The target groups that are to be combined into a new target group are dragged from the Codesheet to the workspace.

Step 2

Left-click with the mouse and drag a box around the target groups to be linked.

Step 3

When you release the mouse button, the framed target groups are combined into a new target group by the "OR" operator.


If necessary, you can now change the link operator.