

     WYSIWYG interface
On-screen results are updated immediately after you make your changes.

     Clear, easy-to-use layout of reporting modules
Any kind of report can be created using a total of just 3 workspaces.
All settings and definitions are entered directly within the workspace.

     Drag & Drop
            Tables, rankings and media plans are defined on the report screen itself.

     Automatic filters
Groups of questions queried under "Filters" are now not only expressed as percentages of the table base (as before) but also of the filter variables. 

     Minimal resource requirements
All analyses, whatever their scope, require just a web browser and appropriate user rights.

We carry out software questionnaire data updates ourselves, using a platform-independent, up-to-date and flexible approach based on centralised data storage and software management.

     An SLA for your peace of mind
We guarantee 24/7 availability for both software and questionnaire data. Data security is ensured by using individual, password-protected customer accounts.

     Historical data
Questionnaire, tariff and circulation files are available for all years as far back as 1990.